Thursday, September 23, 2010

Enjoying Life


Job 33:30 "He rescues them from the grave so they may enjoy the light of life".


Elihu is the youngest of Job's friends and has been silent until this point because culturally it would be considered wrong for a younger person to council an older person. Finally he feels like he must say some things and begin to tell him what he thinks Job's problem is. In the course of it he makes this comment about God, "He rescues them from the grave so they may enjoy the light of life".


Job's friend wasn't perfect theologically, but he did have something good to say here. God does rescue us from the grave so we can enjoy the light of life. Are we enjoying what Jesus came and died for? We must learn to enjoy the life that Christ died to give us. Too many of us are walking around down and discouraged with no light and life in us. This is not God's problem, it is ours! Our NT life is a life of faith. We walk by faith, not by sight. We will enjoy life and light when we learn to be controlled by our faith and not controlled by our emotions.


Father, I want to enjoy life. I want to walk in the light as you are in the light. You paid the ultimate price so that I could have abundant and eternal life. I want to live that kind of life. Help me keep my focus on You and Your will. Show me the areas I need to change and help me to walk by faith and not by sight.



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