Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Lord will Answer


Psalm 4:3 "You can be sure of this: The Lord set apart the godly for Himself. The Lord will answer when I call on Him".


This is a Psalm of David. He lets us know that we can be sure of two things. 1. God set the godly apart for Himself. He also lets us know that the Lord will answer when I call on Him. These are things the Psalmist tells us we can be sure of. We can stake our lives on these two things.


We must become as confident in our walk with God as David was. He was totally confident that God had set Him apart and that God would answer when he called. Our lives would be so much different if we actually believed that when we called, God would answer. We would finally learn to walk by faith and not by sight. If we really believed that when we called on Him, He would answer, I believe we would call on Him more and expect results more.


Lord, teach me to walk in confident assurance that when I call on You, that You will answer. I have have some needs right now that I have been calling on You for. Help me walk by faith and trust that You have heard and that you are responding. I love You Lord and want to walk by faith more and more.

Your Son,

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