Monday, January 11, 2010

Worth the Wait


Lamentations 3:25 "The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him".


Lamentations is not a fun book to read. It is a continual lamenting about the condition of Israel, God's people. They messed up and He punished them. In the first three chapters there is little if anything positive mentioned, but here in the middle of raving about how terrible things are is a verse that gives hope. It tells us that the Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him. This is a reminder that God always honors patience.


I think patience is the hardest thing most believers struggle with. We live in a society of instant everything and this has caused us to struggle even more with patience. Here is one more verse that confirms how much God appreciates patience. When we refuse to take things into our own hands, God is always faithful to defend us. When we wait on Him patiently, He always rewards us. God is good to those who are willing to wait on Him. He is seldom early, but never late, so wait on the Lord patiently and He will be good to you. You have that promise!


Lord, show me the importance of learning to wait on You. It seems to come up much in my Daily Wash recently. I believe You are speaking to me. Help me not to push things through when I want them to happen, but to wait on You. You are my source and provider! You will take care of me! I Love you more every day!


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