Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Same Forever


Lamentations 5:19 "But Lord, you remain the same forever! Your throne continues from generation to generation".


Lamentations is a lament of God punishing Israel for it's disobedience. They are wailing in the streets, there is no money, no food and they are destitute. Everyone has given up on God, yet the prophet speaks us in all his lamenting and says, "you remain the same forever! Your throne continues from generation to generation". The prophet was able to see history as a pattern and knew that when Israel had repented, that He would turn His heart back toward them and rescue them from their problems. God is the same yesterday, today, and forever! We must learn to have confidence in who He is instead of being run over by our own feelings.


Knowing that God is the same forever and never changes should give us confidence and hope for a better future. We need to be people who are not controlled by our emotions or feelings, rather we need to be controlled by faith in our hearts. We have a God that never changes! He will do what He says He will do, yet we must walk by faith and not feelings. When things are not looking as good as you would like them to, realize this is only a test and will not last forever. If God is the same from generation to generation, then we can look at history and realize that He will take care of His people. Trust Him more each day, because He does not change. Seek Him and you will find Him when you seek for Him with all of your heart.


You are amazing! You never change! I can rely on You to always react the right way, to make the right decisions and do the right things. On this earth, we have human relationships that cause us to doubt people. They let us down, disappoint us and hurt us. Therefore, we find it difficult to trust. Lord, let Your people trust You again with our lives. I want to walk with You deeper every day. I want Your will for my life and my family every day. Let me walk in the confidence and hope that You will always see us through when we remain faithful to You.

I Love You Lord,


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