Monday, January 25, 2010

Speak the Message


Ezekiel 37:10 "So I spoke the message as He commanded me, and breath came into their bodies. They all came to life and stood on their feet - a great army".


Ezekiel had a vision of Israel being a valley of dry bones and was told to prophesy to the bones that they would live and become a great army. It is one thing to believe for God to raise the dead who have been dead a few minutes, but Ezekiel was given the message that these bones in the dessert would live again.! Of course it was a picture or an object lesson, but most of us would really question whether we should prophesy to dry bones saying they will live. Though he probably doesn't understand, he does as he was told and speaks prophetically and he sees the bones come together, flesh come into them and finally the breath of life was breathed back into them again. This was a picture of what would happen to Israel.


When God says it, speak it! When God give you a message, sometimes, if things don't appear to be happening, it is difficult to give that message. We are called to be obedient to God, not to understand everything He tells us to do. When He asks us to do or say something, we need to be ready to obey at all times, whether it makes sense to us or not. God's thoughts are above our thoughts and His ways are above our ways. Obedience speaks to dry bones and they live. Rational thinking says it is way too late!


Lord, teach us to hear from You clearer. Teach us to obey and do what You say whether it makes sense to us or not. You know tomorrow like we know yesterday and understand everything that is coming. Help us to obey when You speak and not rule it out because it doesn't make sense to us. You are the all-powerful God and I worship You this morning. Thank You for speaking to me through this daily wash. Speak to me this last week of our fast. I want to hear Your voice and be led by You and You alone. I trust You and will obey.

Your Son,

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