Saturday, January 9, 2010



I Peter 3:9 "Don't repay evil for evil. Don't retaliate with insults when people insult you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called you to do, and He will bless you for it."


Peter is talking to people who were facing persecution to a degree we have never had to experience. We tend to make excuses for our anger and attitude when someone doesn't treat us right. Learning not to retaliate is one of the hardest things to learn as a Christian because your human nature wants to insult and retaliate back. This never goes anywhere, but Peter reminds us that God has called us to bless those who persecute us. He closes with saying God will bless you for it.


Whenever I hear messages about the blessing of God and how to get it, I don't think I have ever heard a preacher say, "the way to get the blessing of God on your life is to not retaliate when people insult you and not to repay evil for evil". Peter says this brings the blessing of God. We must remember that God keeps accurate records and we must trust Him to repay evil. We must be people of blessing, no matter what people do to us. Our nature wants to fight back and we can even reason it with our thinking, but it is not God's way. When we humble ourselves, He lifts us up. He will fight your battles, He just may not do it when or how you wants Him to. Learn to speak blessing at all times and let Him deal with your persecutors.


Lord, hear I go again talking about trust. Teach me to trust You more. When people say and do hurtful things, help me to trust that You are in control and Your will is going to be accomplished. Help me remember that You keep great records and know every time I have ever been treated wrong. Help me to keep my mouth speaking blessing, even when it is hard.

I love You Lord,

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