Thursday, May 22, 2014

God Saves the Humble


II Samuel 22:28  "You save the humble, but your eyes are on the haughty to bring them low".


David was singing of how awesome God is and how God defeated all of his enemies.  David understood that God saves the humble and He brings the haughty low.  David understood that to be great in God and to have God work on your behalf, humility was the only thing that was going to get the job done.  His full and complete reliance was on the Lord.


God wants us to have the heart of a David.  He wants us to walk in humility, knowing that every battle won was by His grace and not our own hard work.  He wants all the praise in every situation.  When we walk humbly before God, He has promised to raise us up.  When we walk in pride and arrogance of heart, the Lord is actually in opposition to us.  We must learn humility before God.


Lord, teach me to walk with You like David did.  Help me to trust You more and more.  Teach me to humble myself and give all honor to You.  Without You, my life is empty and void.  With You my life is full of meaning.  I need You desperately.


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