Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Little by Little


Exodus 23:30  "Little by little I will drive them out before you, until you have increased enough to take possession of the land".


God was speaking to Moses about going into the promised land.  He told him that if He gave them the entire land immediately, they wouldn't be able to possess it and wild animals would come in to possess it.  Therefore, He gave them the land little by little until they could handle the takeover of the promised land.


Sometimes we think we are ready for something that God knows we are not ready for.  Sometimes He gives us our dreams little by little because we are not yet ready to take on all of it.  Little by little we take possession of the promises of God in our lives.  We can't get frustrated and live in frustration because we don't feel like we are inheriting everything God told us would come.  We must realize there is a time of preparation and growth before we can handle the fullness of our destiny.  Little by little we will see our dreams fulfilled.  God knows best when to send His promotions.


Father, help me realize that little by little is okay and that I don't need to rush your destiny in my life.  Help me to be content in every area of life while holding on to the dreams You have given me.  Help me not to rush into my dreams too quickly and take on things I am not ready for yet.  You know best so lead me.


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