Friday, August 16, 2013

Singing Through the Pain


Acts 16:25 "About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them".


Paul and Silas had kicked a demon out of a slave girl.  This was their offense.  They freed a girl from demonic possession.  Her possession had made lots of money for her masters and their income was hurting because she couldn't tell the future any more.  They had Paul and Silas arrested, beaten with rods and flogged.  They were then chained and place into the inner prison, which was really like a dungeon.  In that place, after that attack, Paul and Silas were praying and singing at midnight.  They were singing through the pain.


Paul and Silas did no wrong, were treated terribly, ended up in a really bad situation.  In that bad situation they could have blamed God, but instead praised God and sang to Him.  Instead of getting frustrated with God when things don't go our way, we need to sing through the pain and worship Him anyway.  When we feel like things can't get any worse, we need to give God praise and worship.  We need to look to Him in prayer instead of accusing Him in our complaints.


Father, forgive me for complaining about my circumstances.  Forgive me for whining to You when things don't go my way.  Help me to worship through any and every situation.  You are my God and I want to worship you as Paul and Silas did.


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