Monday, July 22, 2013

His Sheep Follow Him


John 10:27 "My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow Me".


Jesus is speaking about being a Good Shepherd.  He says that  sheep will hear a good shepherd's voice and follow Him.  The sheep become tuned to the voice of the shepherd so that the shepherd can easily guide them.   They won't follow another shepherd or a hireling.  They will follow the voice they know, and that voice will lead them beside still waters and into green pastures.


Jesus is the Good Shepherd.  He does an amazing job at shepherding His people, but sometimes His people don't listen to His voice or they think they can handle life on their own without His input.  A Good Shepherd can be loved and trusted to bring about the good in the life of the sheep.  If Jesus is the Good Shepherd, we must learn to follow His voice and be led by it continually throughout our lives.  He wants to lead...are we good at following?


Good Shepherd, help me to hear Your voice more clearly all the time.  Help me to walk with You throughout life and to follow Your lead.  I want to know Your voice better than every before.  I want to be led by You every day of my life.  I know You have the words of life and truth and I want to follow You completely.  Help me along the way.


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