Friday, June 7, 2013

Forget All That!


Isaiah 43:18  "But forget all that - it is nothing compared to what I am going to do."


In this passage, God is speaking to Israel through Isaiah concerning what God was going to do. He was reminding them of all He had done in their history.  He was recounting for them the great things that He had done.  In the midst of telling them all the great things He had done in the past, He stops and says, "But forget all that - it is nothing compared to what I am going to do".  He had done amazing things for them, but they were nothing in comparison with what was coming.


Sometimes, especially when we are in a dry time or a season when we don't see much happening, we look back at what God did in the past and tend to focus on that since we don't see Him doing much at this present time.  God challenges us here to "forget all that" because it is nothing compared to what He is going to do in the future.  Historical markers are good for us to be able to look back and see what the Lord has done, but when we spend too much time looking back, we can't look ahead.  We must look ahead with expectation that God is going to do a new thing that is greater than what we have seen in the past.  We must also believe it is coming.


Father, help me to be a forward looking person of faith who sees that You are going to do as greater than what You have done in the past.  Help me not just tell stories about what You have done in the past, but to believe and trust You for great stories in the future.  I know You are going to pour out Your Spirit stronger and that revival is coming, guide me into it.


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