Thursday, January 12, 2012

Who is Like the Lord?


Psalm 113:5 "Who can be compared with the Lord our God, who is enthroned on high?"


This simple verse is so powerful. The Psalmist asks a question, "Who can be compared with the Lord our God?" The answer is just as simple, nobody and nothing can be compared to the greatness of our God. He is awesome!


God is enthroned on high and is all-powerful. Nothing is too difficult for Him. He exceeds the most powerful thing we can think of and yet loves us incredibly as individuals. As believers, we must begin to see our God this way. We must realize that there is nothing impossible for Him and that He is enthroned on high, above every other person. As long as God is on the throne, there is hope for His children.


Lord, I want to live, pray and walk, like You are the all-powerful one and You are my father. Help me to see You correctly and to live accordingly. There is nobody like You and You are enthroned on high. Thanks for reminding me today of Your great power.


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