Monday, January 30, 2012

Seek His Will


Proverbs 3:6 "Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take".


Solomon, David's son, is known as the wisest man to ever live. He was given wisdom directly from the Lord. I am blessed by this verse because it tells me how to determine which path to take in my life. It says that if we seek God's will in all we do, He will show us the paths to take in life. I think the determining question is: Am I seeking after my own desires or seeking God's will?


Seeking God's will in our lives is they key to making all major decisions. When we desire His will instead of our own, we will always walk in the blessing of God. Where He guides, He provides! Where He leads, He feeds! Many times we ask God to bless our will, when His will is always best for us and the decision that He will bless. "Thy Kingdom Come. Thy will be done" is the greatest prayer we can pray.


Father, I want Your will in my life. I know you have plans for me that are full of Your blessings. As I continue to seek Your will, keep me on the right path. You are amazing and I trust Your judgment for my life. I place my life in Your hands and seek Your will.


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