Monday, October 25, 2010

Revive Us


Psalm 85:6 "Won't you revive us again, so your people can rejoice in You?"


The Psalmist is speaking of reviving Israel and making it powerful again. He states that people will rejoice in God when they have been revived. To revive means to bring back to life.


I want to see God revive His church again! I want to see the church of Jesus Christ alive and well, doing the will of God from the heart. I want to see God's people full of life. For too long the enemy has sucked the life out of God's people and caused them not to be able to produce fruit. I want to see Zoe life in the church again. I want God to breath again on His church as He breathed on Ezekiel's army in the valley of dry bones. I want God's people to rejoice in Him and simply to rejoice again.


Lord, let revival fires fall! Let Your glory be upon your people again. Let your people rejoice because God is moving. Let there be a new joy in the house of God. Let your people have an encounter with You. Revive your church and awaken this nation. Breathe life again into dry bones and let them live again. I cry out with the Psalmist, won't You revive us again, so your people can rejoice in You? Thank you for pouring out Your Spirit yesterday in our service. Increase it and let your people rejoice in their God.



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