Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Challenge


Psalm 96:2 "Sing to the Lord; praise His name. Each day proclaim the good news that He saves".


The Psalmist encourages each person to daily proclaim the good news that God saves. Many times, the hardest conversation to get into is the one that contains the best news. Isn't it amazing that when we eat at a great restaurant or see a good movie, that we tell everyone about it. When God does something great in our lives, we are hesitant to say anything to anybody. We must begin to proclaim the good news that He saves DAILY!


I want to be a person that shares the good news with someone every single day. I want to be able to say with the Psalmist that "He saves". I am being challenged today to share the good news at least once per day in some way with someone. I personally have no problem talking about football with someone, but find it harder to talk about Jesus to the same person. I want to change that in my life.


Father, make me more bold for You. Help me to witness to at least one person per day. Help me declare the good news that You save at least once per day. I want to be a vessel in your hand that you can use to touch many lives. Help me start today and give me the strength to not let a day go by without sharing good news with someone.

Your Son,

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