Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Price of True Worship


I Chronicles 21:24 "But King David replied to Araunah, 'No, I insist on buying it for full price. I will not take what is yours and give it to the Lord. I will not present burnt offerings that have cost me nothing'".


King David had blown it and sinned by numbering Israel. God was very displeased and caused a plague to wipe out 70,000 people because of David's sin. David sat in sackcloth for a period of time and his advisor told him to build an altar on the threshingfloor of Araunah. David went to build the altar and Araunah decides to just give the land to David. David refuses and says this phrase, "No, I insist on buying it for full price. I will not take what is yours and give it to the Lord. I will not present burnt offerings that have cost me nothing".


David understood the cost of true worship. He understood the concept of sacrifice. Most people today don't want worship to cost them anything. God is there to give to them, but they shouldn't have to sacrifice anything at all. It's like God is their own personal Santa Clause in the sky who is to meet their needs, while they sacrifice nothing for Him. We must understand the concept of sacrificial worship. Value is determined by how much someone is willing to pay for an item. If we never sacrifice for our God, how much value have we given to Him?


Lord, You are amazing and I love You! Teach me to worship You in Spirit and in truth. Teach me to offer You my very best. I want to give You the offering of my life. Help me not get upset when serving You costs me personally. I want my life to be a sacrifice for You. You have blessed me beyond measure and I love you for it. Help me to show my appreciate in a way that communicates value to You for all You have done in my life.


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