Saturday, November 23, 2019

Precious to God


““Don’t be afraid,” he said, “for you are very precious to God. Peace! Be encouraged! Be strong!” As he spoke these words to me, I suddenly felt stronger and said to him, “Please speak to me, my lord, for you have strengthened me.””
‭‭Daniel‬ ‭10:19‬ ‭NLT‬‬


Daniel had been fasting for 21 days and an angel came to him who said he had been sent with a message the first day he started praying and fasting, but had been help up from coming.  When the angel got there, Daniel felt weak.  The angel told him he was very precious to God, therefore be encouraged and strengthened.  Daniel then felt stronger.


Sometimes just hearing the words, “you are precious to God” can strengthen you to do what you need to do.  God is love and He loves us more than we can ever imagine.  When we go through difficult times, we must never doubt the love of God and how precious we are in His sight.  Strength comes from knowing Your Father loves you and that you are special to Him.


Lord, let me walk in confidence with You and to never forget that You love me and that I am special in Your eyes.  Help me to grow stronger and stronger in the coming days.  I want to finish well in serving You.  I want to walk strong and healthy and finish Your assignments for my life.  Help me to accomplish all You want me to accomplish in and through my life.

Your Son,

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