Tuesday, November 26, 2013

We Will Reign on The Earth


Revelation 5:10 "You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth".


Just before this, Jesus was the only one found worthy to open the scrolls in heaven.  It says he was worthy because with his blood he purchased people for God from every tongue, tribe and nation.  He says of these people that they have become a kingdom and priests and that they will reign on the earth.


It's hard to imagine God's people ruling and reigning on the earth.  It's hard to imagine myself reigning on earth, yet God says it will come to pass.  God sees more in us than we see in ourselves.  He could have chosen better, more qualified people to reign on the earth, but He chose us.  He chose imperfect, messed up flesh to reign and rule in the future.  How did we get this opportunity?  Because Jesus paid the price for our sins and purchased us.


Father, help me to develop into the person You want me to be.  Teach me to walk in faith and not sight.  I want my life to bring You praise.  Train me to reign on the earth and fulfill all You have desired for my life. 


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