Friday, November 1, 2013

A Hundredfold Blessing


Genesis 26:12  "Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him".


When Isaac is being described in Genesis, it talks about how wealthy he had gotten and it directly speaks of that fact that God had blessed him and made him rich.  In this passage we see that Isaac planted crops and in the same year had a hundredfold harvest.  When God decides to bless someone, He does it well.  He made Isaac so rich and powerful that those around him became nervous.


I am generally pretty hard on prosperity preachers because I don't want people to serve God so that they can get rich.  At the same time I can't deny that God's blessing does produce wealth.  It is seen all through the Bible.  There are those who had God's blessing on their lives, who did not get wealthy, but in an honest evaluation, most of those who were blessed of God also became quite wealthy.  Things just worked well for them and God made everything they did prosper.  I'm still not a prosperity preacher, but I do believe God still blesses His people in this way as we do His will.


Lord, teach me the truth about prosperity.  Show me the right position to have.  I don't want to misuse or wrongly teach Your Word on this topic.  Keep me on the right course, but I also do ask you to bless me, my family, my church and my ministry financially.


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