Thursday, September 26, 2013

When God Relents


Jonah 3:10 "When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, he relented and did not bring on them the destruction he had threatened".


Jonah walked through the city of Ninevah for a day declaring that in forty days God was going to overthrow this mighty city because of their evil deeds.  The anointing of God was so strong on Jonah that the entire city repented of their ways.  The king proclaimed a fast that included every person and animal.  All were to call on the name of the Lord.  When they repented like this, God also relented from the destruction He had planned for them.  There are several times in scripture where God declared destruction on a people, but it was averted because of something.


Many think they have gone too far for God to restore them and have mercy on them.  Many feel like America has strayed too far away from God to be restored, but God is rich in mercy abounding in love.  All He needs is for people to begin to repent and He will avert whatever judgment was coming.  Ninevah was forty days away from total destruction, but they repented completely and God heard their cry and canceled His destruction plans for them.


Father, raise up some Jonah's who will declare your word with such anointing that cities begin to turn back to Christ.  Let your hand of grace and mercy be upon America once again.  May repentance be preached and may my generation run back to the God of our forefathers.


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