Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Disobedience Has Consequences


Jonah 1:12 "'Pick me up and throw me into the sea,' he replied, 'and it will become calm.  I know that it is my fault that this great storm has come upon you'".


Jonah had disobeyed the Lord and his disobedience affected other innocent lives.  He realized that it was his disobedience that was causing the storm that was about to destroy their boat.  His sin had consequences that affected many other lives.


We must realize that disobedience has consequences and innocent people many times suffer because someone has been disobedient to the Lord.  We must realize that our choices also affect the lives of others around us who will be affected by the choices we make.  There are consequences to wrong choices and often it is those around us who pay the consequences for our disobedience.  May we realize that this morning.


Father, help me to realize, especially in the position You have placed me, that my choices affect many other lives.  Teach me to obey quickly and completely.  Help me to do all that You put in my heart and to fulfill all You give me to do.

Your Son,

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