Thursday, January 31, 2013

Why Has the Temple of God Been Neglected?


Nehemiah 13:11 " I immediately confronted the leaders and demanded, 'Why has the Temple of God been neglected?'  Then I called all the Levites back again and restored them to their proper duties".


Nehemiah was on a mission to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and to restore the Temple of the Lord and the worship that happened there.  As he was investigating what was happening, he found out things were not being done properly and asked, "Why has the Temple of God been neglected?"  Then he went on a mission to make sure everything God expected was happening properly.  He wanted God to be a priority for his people once again.


As a pastor, sometimes you see people neglecting the house of God.  Maybe they just seriously slow down on attending.  Maybe they start neglecting God in their tithes and offerings.  Maybe they start withdrawing from fellowship opportunities or stepping slowly away from the ministries they once served in.  Sometimes you want to cry out, "Why are you neglecting the house of God?"  Don't you realize what Christ has done for you?  Why are you walking away from the one who died for you?  Why does God not get honored more when in His house?  We must not neglect the temple of God.  We must serve Him well because He is worthy.


Father, help me to build a church that does not neglect the Lord our God.  We want to honor you in every way.  I want our worship, preaching, teaching, fellowship, discipleship, prayer, evangelism, etc. to honor You.  May we never neglect Your house and may we take better care of it from this day forward.



  1. Thank you for reminding us about the house of God. the more we do properly what God wants us to do in His house ,the more God will take care of us. Let us not give up.Let God help us not to be of those who shrink back , but of those who believe and serve you no matter the time. GOd help us

    1. Amen Damien. May God help us to put His house in order and to do things His way. Have a great day!
      Pastor Jeff
