Wednesday, January 30, 2013

All Outstanding Men


Nehemiah 11:6  "There were 468 descendants of Perez who lived in Jerusalem - all outstanding men".


Perez lived in Jerusalem and had many descendants, there was something special about his descendants.  Nehemiah records that they "were all outstanding men".  What a powerful commendation and honor to Perez!  When there are 468 men and ALL of them end up being outstanding men, somebody did something right.  I would love to sit at the feet of Perez and have him teach me about raising outstanding men.


I can't sit at his feet, because there is not much said about him in this passage, but I can ask God to help me to develop "outstanding men".  I want my sons to be "outstanding men".  I want their sons to be outstanding men.  Perez passed on something to the generations that followed him and I want to leave a spiritual heritage for my sons.  I want them to see in me how to live a godly life as a man.  Since we don't know much about Perez and his technique for raising up outstanding men, I can ask God to guide me into it.


Lord, I want to raise outstanding men.  I need your help and guidance in this.  I can't do it on my own.  I want my sons and their sons and their sons, to be outstanding men.  Lead me Holy Spirit and help me to lead by example and teach my sons what it looks like to be an outstanding man.  Also let my church produce outstanding men.  In Jesus' name.


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