Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Angels on My Side


Hebrews 1:14 "Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?"


The write of Hebrews is making a statement about Christ being superior to the angels and establishing the pre-eminance of Christ over all other things.  In the process of talking about how awesome Christ is, he makes this statement while describing the role of Christ compared to that of angels.  He says they are "sent to serve those who will inherit salvation". 


Many of us never realize that we have supernatural beings who have been assigned to serve us as we live our lives.  We act and feel helpless, yet we have supernatural beings who are assigned to serve us!  This is really amazing stuff!  From this we can take away the fact that we are never alone and we have angels serving us throughout our lives.  We have angels on our side whether we can see them or not.


Lord, thank you for showing me that there are angels who are sent to serve us who inherit salvation.  Sometimes I don't feel like they are there for me because I go through some difficult times, but I must receive this by faith and live accordingly, as with the rest of my spiritual life.  Thank you for sending angels to serve my life.  You are incredible!

Yours Forever,

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