Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Oh, that You would choose life


Deuteronomy 30:19 "Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!"


God set blessings on obedience for the people of Israel and He set curses on disobedience. In Deut. 28 we see those blessings for obedience and the curses for disobedience. The blessings for wholly following the Lord were incredible, but the curses for disobedience were terrible. In chapter 30 you can hear the voice of God as He says, "Oh, that you would choose life". He really wants to bless his people, but he can't unless they choose like His way.


God's heart wants to bless us tremendously! He wants to bless our socks off, but we with hold our own blessings by our disobedience. Hear the heart of God that says, "Oh, that they would choose life!" He desperately wants us to make right choices so that He can bless us. The problem is our disobedience. He wants our obedience so He can bless us, but we choose not to obey. Therefore we don't see His blessings. We must hear the voice of God today that says, Oh, that you would choose life".


Help me make right choices today that You can bless. I want to follow You wholeheartedly and want my life to reflect Yours. I choose life and desire Your blessing.



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