Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Accessing God's Presence


Numbers 20:6 "Moses and Aaron turned away from the people and went to the entrance of the Tabernacle, where they fell face down on the ground. Then the glorious presence of the Lord appeared to them".


Moses and Aaron did three things that brought the presence of the Lord to them so they could hear His voice. First they turned away from the people, second they went to the Tabernacle, and third they fell face down on the ground. I see a progression here that is worthy of looking deeper into as we desire the presence of God in our lives.


God's presence came to Moses and Aaron when they did three things. His voice was heard after these things were done. First, they turned away from the people. Turning away from the people and turning toward God is so important if you want to really experience His presence. People mean well and will tell you all kinds of nice things, but we must long for the presence and voice of God enough that we turn away from people and set time apart for our relationship with God. Secondly, we must go the Tabernacle. We don't have a literal tabernacle at this time, but we should go to a place where we plan on meeting with the Lord. This could be a variety of places. It is just anywhere that is a special place for you to meet with God. Third, we must humble ourselves before Him. Moses and Aaron bowed on their faces before the Lord. If we want the presence of God in our lives, we must turn away from people, go to a place to meet with God and humble ourselves before Him. At that point, He has our full attention and will speak to us as He did with Moses and Aaron.


Father, let me hear your voice clearer than ever. Help me to set aside the time to meet with you and humble myself before you. I want Your direction in my life and have set aside the next few weeks to seek You. I want to find You more than ever before.

Your Son,


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