Tuesday, January 31, 2017

That Very Day


Exodus 12:41  "At the end of 430 years, on that very day, all the hosts of the Lord went out from the land of Egypt".


God had a plan all along for this special day.  He knew from the foundation of the world the exact day He would deliver the people of Israel from Egypt.  He was working far, far in advance with Moses, the Plagues, Pharaoh, etc. so that He could bring it all together on the day He had determined to bring His people out.  He brought them out, "on that very day", but He had been working a plan for a long time that had to come together on that very day.


When we are children of the Lord and followers of His, we may not be able to see everything He is doing in our lives.  We may not understand why we are going through the things we are going through at the time, but God is in control.  He is working things out so that on just the right day, we will be delivered.  He is always working behind the scenes arranging events in our lives to our own good.  We can trust that there is a time in God for each move and He is preparing us for what is to come.


Father, thank You for showing me this today.  You have been working in my life for a long time and I see Your hand, but sometimes when I question why things happen the way they do, help me to know You have a plan.  Help me to trust that You are working all things together for my good because I do love You.  You are amazing!

Your Son,

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