Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Reverence for the Lord


Malachi 4:2 "But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays.  And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves".


As the Old Testament is closing, the prophet Malachi reminds us that as we revere the Lord, we can expect healing to be part of our lives.  From the beginning, God has declared He is our healer.  He has said it throughout the Old and New Testaments alike.  He is our healer.  This instance also associates a condition to our healing through Him.  It says "for those who revere my name".  As we revere the name of the Lord, our healing comes forth in our lives.


To revere is to honor, respect, and fear the name of the Lord.  As we lift Him up and give Him the place He deserves in our lives, our healing will come.  He is the healer of all sickness and disease.  He is the conquering King!  He is amazing and His name is to be praised.  I've been struggling with knee pain for some time now and have been for prayer many times, but now I feel like as I worship Him, He will arise with healing in His rays.


Father, I lift up Your name.  May your name be exalted above all other names.  Help me to honor Your name.  You are amazing and I am honored to serve You.  Teach me to revere Your name at a greater level.


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