Friday, May 31, 2013

A Time for Everything


Isaiah 22:12-13 "The Lord, the Almighty, called you on that day to weep and to wail, to tear out your hair and put on sackcloth.  But see, there is joy and revelry, slaughtering of cattle and killing of sheep, eating of meat and drinking of wine! 'Let us eat and drink'' you say, 'for tomorrow we die!'"


The prophet Isaiah is giving the word of the Lord to Jerusalem about destruction that is coming and He condemns their response.  They were told of judgment and destruction coming on them and they responded by throwing a party and celebrating on their way out.  God told them this so that they would repent of their sins and turn to Him and He would have delivered them, but they didn't get it.  Instead of turning from sin and asking God to save them, they sinned more.  God has nothing against celebrations, He instituted many of them for Israel, but celebrating when you should be repenting and weeping before God is wrong in His eyes.


I believe God is trying to wake America up by lifting His hand of protection on us as a nation.  He is allowing things to come against us so that we will turn to Him in repentance and ask His blessing again.  The beginning of judgment has begun against America, but if our leadership will repent and turn to God, it can still change.  Instead of weeping and mourning and turning back to God, it seems America is going the course of Israel and celebrating instead of humbling ourselves.  May God have mercy on us.


Father, As for me and mine, I humble myself before you and ask you to have mercy on us.  Help me be the man of God You want me to be.  I see judgment coming to my nation, so please give grace and mercy to this nation.  Cause our leaders to repent and come to You completely.  Start another great awakening here I pray.


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