Thursday, May 2, 2013

Work Smarter, Not Harder


Ecclesiastes 10:10 "If the axe is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed, but skill will bring success".


King Solomon was incredibly wise because His wisdom came from God.  Basically this verse says that when our tools are dull, we have to work harder.  Skill would take the time to sharpen the axe, knowing that a sharper axe will produce more in less time and that the time it takes to sharpen will make everything easier and production will increase.  He understood that being well trained and using your head is smarter than just working yourself to death when there is an easier way.


All my life I've heard, "work smarter, not harder".  This verse makes that very clear.  I need to evaluate what I'm doing with my time and see how I can work smarter instead of harder.  I have been working hard for a long time and people have tried to help me, but I am too busy to receive help because the job needs to get done.  Rather than taking the time to train someone thoroughly, I seem to think it is faster to just do it myself.  Later I end up in the same situation because nobody has been trained to do the work.  My axe is dull and I need to take time to sharpen.


Lord, thank you for speaking to me today.  I feel like I work so hard, yet see so little results.  I need your help in this area.  Help me to slow down and get better at truly training others so work doesn't fall back on me all the time.  Guide me Holy Spirit.  I need You.


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