Thursday, December 1, 2011

All Are Equal in His Sight


Job 34:19 "He doesn't care how great a person may be, and He pays no more attention to the rich than to the poor. He made them all".


Elihu, Job's friend had some good insight into who God is and what He is like. He has a healthy respect for the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom. In this passage he brings out the fact that God is no respecter of persons. He does not pay more attention to the rich than the poor because He made them all. God does not give preference to anyone based on their economic level, looks, or other human measuring stick. He made them all.


It is easy to fall into the trap of respecting one person more than another because of their economic, political, physical, or social distinctions. In God's sight, all are equal. He loves all of His creation. All art doesn't look the same, some paintings are better than others no matter who the artist is. Most paintings are valuable, not based on their own excellence, but on who the painter is. Certain painters, no matter how bad a painting really is, will be purchased at great expense, simply because of the painter, not the painting. It is the same with God. The value of the individual is not shown by their bank account, but by their maker.


Father, teach me to be more like You. Help me not be a respecter of people based on anything except the fact that their maker is valuable, therefore they are valuable. Thank You for showing me this point about You this morning. You are amazing and have made us all!

Your Son and Creation,


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