Monday, November 21, 2011

Reverence and Integrity


Job 4:6 "Is not you reverence your confidence? And the integrity of your ways your hope?


Job's friend Eliphaz makes this statement to Job as he is going through incredibly difficult times. He tells Job that he can have confidence because he has had reverence for God in his life. He goes on to tell him that he can have hope because he had integrity in his ways. He relates reverence to confidence and hope to integrity. In other words he was telling his friend that his character would win against whatever came against him.


When you are living right, you can expect God's blessings and His promises to come to pass. When you reverence God, you can have confidence that He is with you and will see you through every situation you come up against. When you have integrity, you also have hope because you know that you have done nothing wrong. Living an honest life and honoring God brings confidence that God will take care of you.


Lord, You are incredible! Help me to revere You more each day and to live a life of integrity. I want to walk before you in purity every day. Let my life be a reflection of You and let me look more like my daddy every day.

Your Son,


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