Friday, November 11, 2011

Rallying God's People


Nehemiah 4:20 "Therefore, wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there. Our God will fight for us".


Nehemiah and his people were working incredibly hard with one hand and fighting with the other. They realized they were getting weak in the battle and the build. Nehemiah gave an instruction that is powerful, "wherever you hear the sound of the trumpet, rally to us there. Our God will fight for us". I see that he understood that when God's people rally together, God fights their enemies.


Unity is one of the most powerful forces in our universe. Put God in the picture and nothing is impossible. God's people sometimes need a rallying cry to pull them together so God can fight their battles. When there is unity, God commands His blessing! No enemy is too difficult when God's people rally to each other and call out to the Lord. We must learn the art of a rallying cry, unity, and calling on the name of the Lord.


Lord, help me to be person who rallies people together, brings unity, and defeats enemies. I want to see the body of Christ at it's best, destroying the works of the devil in our region. Teach me how to rally the troops effectively for the advancement of Your Kingdom.

Yours Forever,

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