Friday, January 5, 2018

Righteousness by Faith


Genesis 15:6 "And Abram believed the Lord, and the Lord counted his as righteous because of his faith."


God had shown Abram the land he was going to give him and promised his a son to be his heir.  He also told Abram He was going to make him wealthy and that his descendants would be like the stars in the heavens in number.  Abraham believed the Lord and God counted it as righteousness.


When you boil it all down, faith is believing God.  It is trusting something you cannot see.  Abraham heard the Lord and determined to follow Him and the Lord counted it as righteousness.  God wants His children to believe what He says and to act on it.  When we do, our lives change dramatically because God always responds to faith.  Our righteousness is not as much about what we do or don't do, but about believing God in faith do doing what He wants.


Father, teach me to walk by faith.  Help me to hear Your voice and to do exactly what You ask me to do.  Help me to fulfill Your will for my life in every way.  Teach me to walk humbly before You and to trust You totally.  I want to live a life of faith in the God who answers.


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