Saturday, February 13, 2010

I Want to be in "That Group"


Zechariah 13:9 "I will bring that group through the fire and make them pure. I will refine them like silver and purify them like gold. They will call on my name, and I will answer them. I will say, 'These are my people', and they will say, 'the Lord is our God'".


God always has a remnant that He will bless. Zechariah is speaking about a future restoration of things in Jerusalem and in this passage he talks about "that group". "That group" will be brought through the fire, purged, cleansed and purified. They will be God's people and he will be their God. God has always looked for a people that would be His and He would be theirs. He has always wanted a people who would be fully committed to Him.


I want to be in "that group"! I want to be purified, cleansed, and ready fro all God has for my life. I want to be in the group that is fully committed to the Lord who are truly His people and He is truly their God. I want tot walk with Him and talk with Him. I want to fulfill His will for my life and advance His kingdom on the earth.


Lord, let my life bring You glory! Let my mouth speak forth Your words. Refine me as silver and purify me as gold that I may represent You well. Cleanse my heart and make me completely Yours. You are my desire and the love of my heart. I want to be fully Yours. I long to walk with You and be in "that group" that Zechariah talks about.

Yours Completely,


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