Wednesday, September 23, 2020

God Silences Our Enemies


“But though they thunder like breakers on a beach, God will silence them, and they will run away. They will flee like chaff scattered by the wind, like a tumbleweed whirling before a storm.”  Isaiah‬ ‭17:13‬ ‭NLT‬‬


God is speaking here through the prophet and tells Israel that her enemies may thunder like breakers on a beach, but that God will silence them and they will flee like tumbleweed blown in the wind.  No matter how loud the enemy thunders... God is louder and stronger than anything the enemy can throw at us.


Our God is all-powerful and when we serve Him, we can expect that He will cause our enemies to be overthrown.  Though doubts and fears thunder in our ears, we can know that our God will silence them.  He will silence the voice of the enemy who tries to intimidate us.  Satan roams around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, but God will blow him away!


Father, when the enemy roars loudly about my life.  Let me always be reminded that You are louder and stronger than he is.  Let me live in confidence that my God will silence the noise of the enemy.  Thank You so much for strengthening my walk this year and helping me to trust You more and more.  Blow away my enemies like tumbleweed and prosper your servant I pray.

Your Servant, 


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