Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Refusing to Repent


Revelation 9:20 "But the people who did not die in these plagues still refused to repent of their evil deeds and turn to God. They continued to worship demons and idols made of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood - idols that can neither see, nor hear, nor walk!"


John the revelator has just described a horrific scene where trumpets sound and terrible things happen on the earth. 1/3 of the waters had been polluted, 1/3 of the earth had been burned with fire, and 1/3 of the people of the earth had died in these plagues. You would think those who were left would be quickly repenting and giving themselves to God whole heartedly. Instead, they refuse to repent and continue worshipping others gods. This is hardness of heart.


We must be people who are sensitive to the voice of God and are quick to repent when we have messed up. God is awesome in power and the only one worthy of our worship. We serve the great King and only ruler of the universe. When He speaks, things happen. What He curses is cursed and what He blesses is blessed. When He asks us to repent of something, we must be quick to respond "Yes Lord". We should never let our hearts grow hard for any reason.


father, keep me soft-hearted and pliable. Help me to always respond when you ask something of me. Help me to be quick to repent when repentance is needed. Forgive me for the times I know You have spoken to me and I have not done all that You asked me to do.

I Love You,


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