Friday, April 29, 2011

A Name for Ourselves


Genesis 11:4 "And they said, 'Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth'"


This verse is found in the story of the tower of Babel. The people had determined to build a city for themselves and a tower that would reach into the heavens. There is nothing inherently wrong with building a tower that is tall. The problem is found in the next part of the verse, "let us make a name for ourselves". God has always despised pride and self-reliance. He desires to be the our source and sustenance. When His people begin to look toward self-sufficiency, He responds. Here, He confuses the languages so that they could not communicate in order to build the tower.


It was pride that caused God to confuse the languages of the earth. Satan was created extremely beautiful and pride was found in him so he was kicked out of heaven. God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble. We must acknowledge who He is and walk in humility, depending on Him for everything instead of leaning on our own understanding. We must learn to let God be our guide and not ourselves.


Father, help me to lean on You instead of my own understanding. You are my source! You are my life! You created me and know what's best for me. You are my God and I put my trust in You. Help me stay away from making a name for myself and to always lift up Your name.


Thursday, April 28, 2011



Genesis 8:22 "While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night shall not cease".


Noah is getting off the ark with his family and all of the animals after approximately one year. God makes a covenant that He will never again destroy the world by a flood. He states that from then onward, while the earth remains, there will be seasons. He promises that there will be seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, etc.


Seasons come and seasons go. Living in Virginia is beautiful because we get the best of all seasons. We have hot summers and cold winters. If you don't like the weather in Virginia, all you have to do is wait for a season and what you like will come again. We need to see life as a series of seasons. Sometimes we are in a plentiful season and sometimes we are in a dry season. Sometimes it feels like winter and there is nothing growing and everything looks dead, and sometimes we are in a season of Spring when signs of life are appearing everywhere. Life has it's ups and downs, we must see them as seasons and respond accordingly. Sometimes all we need to do is hold on because the season is about to change.


Lord, You said that as long as the earth remains there would be seasons. Help me understand the seasons of life and live accordingly. Help me to see that sometimes I just have to wait and things will change on their own. Teach me when its time to invest and when its time to rest. Show me when its time to work harder and when its time to relax. Help me work well in the seasons of life while remembering, this too shall pass!

I Love You,

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

You Should Rule Over It


Genesis 4:7 "if you do well, will you not be accepted? And if you do not do well, sin lies at the door. And its desire is for you, but you should rule over it".


Cain was downcast because his brother's offering had been accepted by the Lord and his was not. He was angry and his countenance had fallen. Right then, the Lord speaks to him and tells him that if he did well, he would be accepted, but if he didn't, sin was lying at the door. God gives him a beautiful message to follow, "its desire is for you, but you should rule over it". Sin wants to control God's people, but we should rule over it.


Paul said we have died to the power of sin in our lives, yet so many sin so often and live lifestyles of sin. God gives us a word here that is just a important for us as it was for Cain. "You should rule over it". Sin does not have power over us as believers, we have power over sin because of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Maybe when tempted to sin we need to remind ourselves, "rule over it". We have power to rule over it, but usually don't.


Lord, let me "rule over" sin in my life. Let me grow in you and in your word every day and let me begin to live the life of dominion and victory you have called us to live. You are awesome and have already provided everything we need for life and godliness.

Your Son,

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

In God's Image


Genesis 2:26 "Let us make man in Our image, according to our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every living thing that creeps on the earth".


God created man in His own likeness and image. He gave man dominion over everything on the earth. God's intention was for man to be like Him. Man fell into sin and lost his place of dominance in the earth. History is really "his" story of redeeming man and getting Him back to His original intention for them. He wants man to be like Him!


God's desire is for us to be in that original state. He wants us to be like Him! He created us to reign and rule over His creation. Sin has separated us from God's intentions for us. Calvary has restored our relationship with God and given us access to Him again, yet we do not walk there in His presence enough. We must begin to walk with God and become more like Him every day. Seek Him today and realize that He desires more for us than we desire.


Lord, You gave man dominion over all the earth. You wanted man to rule over the earth and have dominion. We are falling so short of your original intention. Help me to walk with you closer, hear your voice clearer, and do all You ask me to do.



Friday, April 22, 2011

Listen and Understand


Revelation 13:9 "Anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand".


John was seeing some pretty incredible pictures of what was coming on the earth in the last days. He was getting some serious revelation! In the midst of recording what he has seen, he throws in this sentence, "anyone with ears to hear should listen and understand". Evidently you can have ears, but still not have ears to hear. He says that we can listen and understand.


Most people avoid the book of Revelation like the plague because they feel they cannot understand it. They feel it is over their heads and they can't figure out what John was seeing. In this text John tells us, not those who study bible prophecy for decades and have degrees in Greek, but those who have ears to hear, can listen and understand. When it comes to the Word of God, we should always ask God to show us and to give us ears to hear and understand. He will give it to the simplest person. he wants us to understand His word. He doesn't delight in keeping it secret from us. Ask Him today to help you understand.


Father, open up the skies and let me hear Your voice clearly. Let me have nothing that distracts me from hearing You clearly. You are amazing and I want to listen and understand Your word better. Teach me Your word that I may live the life You want me to live. Your words are life and truth! let me understand them better every day.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

And He Will Reign


Revelation 11:15 "Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices shouting in heaven: 'The world has now become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign forever and ever'".


Revelation affirms to us that the current state of things is not how it will always be. Right now we live in a fallen world where terrible things happen every day. Satan works overtime to mess things up and ruin all of God's plans. There is constant war going on, but one day, on the seventh trumpet, the world will become the Kingdom of our Lord. At that point, everything changes. We must remember this when we face the adversities of life.


Whatever we are going through at this moment is simply a vapor that appears for a little while, then vanishes away. Our present reality is nothing in light of eternity. What seems like eternity to us is just a blink in light of true eternity. Things may not be great right now, but a day is coming when this world will become the Kingdom of our Lord and at that point we will be under the complete rulership of Christ. At that point, everything we suffered on earth will seem like nothing. When going through difficulties now, remember that it is not forever. Forever is life with Christ free of sin, sickness and death forever!


Lord, let me keep my eyes on You and on eternity today. Help me keep my focus on the fact that things will not always be the way they are right now. You are coming again and will establish your kingdom in its fulness. I can't wait, but until then, help me keep an eternal perspective on the things I go through.

Your Son,

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Refusing to Repent


Revelation 9:20 "But the people who did not die in these plagues still refused to repent of their evil deeds and turn to God. They continued to worship demons and idols made of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood - idols that can neither see, nor hear, nor walk!"


John the revelator has just described a horrific scene where trumpets sound and terrible things happen on the earth. 1/3 of the waters had been polluted, 1/3 of the earth had been burned with fire, and 1/3 of the people of the earth had died in these plagues. You would think those who were left would be quickly repenting and giving themselves to God whole heartedly. Instead, they refuse to repent and continue worshipping others gods. This is hardness of heart.


We must be people who are sensitive to the voice of God and are quick to repent when we have messed up. God is awesome in power and the only one worthy of our worship. We serve the great King and only ruler of the universe. When He speaks, things happen. What He curses is cursed and what He blesses is blessed. When He asks us to repent of something, we must be quick to respond "Yes Lord". We should never let our hearts grow hard for any reason.


father, keep me soft-hearted and pliable. Help me to always respond when you ask something of me. Help me to be quick to repent when repentance is needed. Forgive me for the times I know You have spoken to me and I have not done all that You asked me to do.

I Love You,


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Kingdom of Priests


Revelation 5:10 "And you have caused them to become a Kingdom of Priests for our God. And they will reign on the earth".


Revelation teaches us that around the throne of God there is incredible worship from every nation, tribe, tongue and people. As John is describing what he sees in heaven and the worship around the throne, he says "You have caused them to become a Kingdom of Priests for our God. And they will reign on the earth". From the beginning, God has wanted a kingdom of priests. He has always wanted a group of people who will walk and talk with Him and who will serve Him faithfully. That group of people will reign on the earth in the future.


One day we will rule and reign on the earth with Christ. We need to be preparing ourselves to reign well for Him. As we set ourselves apart for Him, we are preparing for the future. As we follow His lead and listen to His voice, we are training for reigning with Him. Princes are trained from the time they are babies to rule the nation of their father because they know that one day they will be reigning. We already know we will be reigning with Christ one day, therefore we should prepare for it now by listening closely to His voice.


Lord, you are good and your mercy endures forever. Prepare me to reign with You and represent you well. Help me to live a life that is consecrated to You. When I read about heaven, I long to be there worshipping among the 24 elders and the living creatures. Sounds amazing! I look forward to it. Help me to finish my work here and prepare me to reign with you.


Friday, April 15, 2011

The Refiner's Fire


Zechariah 13:9 "I will bring that group through the fire and make them pure. I will refine them like silver and purify them like gold. They will call on my name, and I will answer them. I will say, 'These are my people,' and they will say, 'The Lord is our God'".


This is a direct prophecy about the return of the Lord to establish His kingdom, which is still a future event, but it also shows us how the Lord works with people now. God is, and always has been, looking for a people who are pure and holy as He is pure and holy. The way of purity is not easy though. God said here that He would bring them through the fire to make them pure, then they will call on His name. Sometimes the only way God can get our attention is for Him to allow us to go through the fire.


When things don't go right in our lives, we should not look at it like God doesn't like us. Rather, we should see each of these events as refining and purifying our hearts, lives, and motives. When bad stuff happens and we end up in the fire, we have a choice to become bitter or to get better. When we walk through troublesome times with a good attitude and a sweet spirit, God is pleased and we become more like Him. Let's not see every bad thing that happens to us as being God hating us. Let's see it as God refining us so that we can be more like Him.


Lord, I want to see things as You see them. I want to see the trials of life as a proving ground and a refiner's fire that are there to bring about my purity and to bring me closer to You. You are amazing and whatever it takes for me to become more like You, bring it! Work in me and work on me. I am Yours.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

God's Power Will Strengthen You


Zechariah 10:12 "By my power I will make my people strong, and by my authority they will go wherever they wish. I, the Lord, have spoken!"


Zechariah is prophesying to the people of Israel and Judah who had been exiled to other countries. He is telling them that God is going to bring them back home again in the future. Though Israel was very weak and scattered throughout the world, God had plans on bringing them back together and making them strong. God tells them that by His power he was going to make them strong.


It is one thing to be strong. It is a whole other thing when God makes you strong. When God makes you strong you will do exploits for Him. God's power is limitless and when He chooses to bless you and strengthen you, nobody can stop it! We need God's power to strengthen us today like never before. We need to cry out to God and beg for His help. He said he would strengthen us with His power, therefore we should ask Him to do just that.


Lord, Strengthen me with your power. Help me to walk by faith and not by sight. Teach me to lean on your strength and not my own. I have been tired lately and need your strength. Strengthen my inner man and make me strong. I want to represent you well.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Palm Sunday


Zechariah 9:9 "Rejoice, O people of Zion! Shout in triumph, O people of Jerusalem! Look, your king is coming to you. He is righteous and victorious, yet he is humble, riding on a donkey - riding on a donkey's colt"


Zechariah was prophesying the return of God's people from captivity in the verses just preceding this. Though they were a remnant, they would come back and rebuild the temple of the Lord. Here, in the same context, we find a Messianic prophecy about Jesus that was fulfilled on what we now call Palm Sunday. The return to Jerusalem of the exiles happened shortly after this prophecy, but the king coming on a donkey was hundreds of years later.


When God shares a prophetic word, parts may come true immediately, parts may take a long time to be fulfilled. By faith and patience we inherit the promises. When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, it was a direct fulfillment, yet it was hundreds of years after the rest of the prophecies came true. Sometimes prophetically we see things that are ahead of our time, yet are on the heart of God. Don't get discouraged when a prophetic word doesn't come immediately. We generally don't have a time frame on prophetic revelation.


Father, help me to be patient until the prophetic words You have spoken over my life come to pass. Help me to be persistent in doing what You have called me to do. I like quick results, but you have been speaking to me about patience and being faithful in what is little. I hear you speaking to me and will learn to be patient until the fulfillment comes.

I Love You,


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Prophetic "IF"


Zechariah 6:15 "People will come from distant lands to rebuild the temple of the Lord. And when this happens, you will know that my messages have been from the Lord of Heaven's Armies. All this will happen if you carefully obey what the Lord your God says".


Zechariah tells of the rebuilding of the Temple of the Lord and how it will be built. He even tells them that then they will know that his visions are true. Most biblical prophecy has with it the big "IF". In this passage, Zechariah says this will all happen "IF" you carefully obey what the Lord your God says. Most prophecy is conditional and involves our obedience before it will be fulfilled.


Some people feel like God's words to them through the prophetic gift will happen no matter what they do. If we understand that most biblical prophecy adds the big "IF", we will be much better off. We have a part to play and "IF" we walk the way God wants us to, we will inherit God's blessings and prophetic fulfillment. Don't forget the "IF", when you get a prophetic word. It is always "IF" you walk in obedience.


Lord, I want to walk a life before You that bring Your name glory. Show me how to listen to your voice and follow diligently exactly what You are saying to me. Forgive me for the times I have partially listened to You and help me to fully obey in every area.


Monday, April 11, 2011

The Accuser


Zechariah 3:1 "Then the angel showed me Jeshua the high priest standing before the angel of the Lord. The Accuser, Satan, was there at the angel's right hand, making accusations against Jeshua".


Satan is called the Accuser of the brethren because he accuses the brethren night and day. In this case, he is accusing Jeshua the high priest before the angel of the Lord. Since the garden of Eden, Satan has been accusing people. Accusation usually takes the focus off of yourself and puts it on someone else to make them look guilty. People generally accuse others to keep their names clean.


Knowing we have an accuser, we should be cautious to live lives that are above reproach. Satan will always be accusing us of something. Therefore we should do our best to give him as little as possible to work with. Jesus said that Satan had nothing in Him. We should live lives that give Satan no room for accusation. He does his job well and we need to be aware of his schemes.


Father, you taught us to pray "Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one". I pray that Satan will have nothing in me to accuse me of. Help me to live a life that gives him nothing to work with. I know he will always accuse because that is his job, but help me to not give him much to work with. Help me to walk in the Spirit on a daily basis.



Friday, April 8, 2011

We Win!


Daniel 7:27 "Then the sovereignty, power, and greatness of all the kingdoms under heaven will be given to the holy people of the Most High. His kingdom will last forever, and all rulers will serve and obey Him".


Daniel is having visions of the end of time. In this one we see a great picture of what will happen at the end. It basically says that all the kingdoms will be given to the holy people of the Most high. That is us as believers! His Kingdom will then last forever and all the rulers will serve Him. There is a day when things will be different in teh world. Things will not always continue the way they are right now. One day King Jesus will come again with an army following Him on white horses. he will establish His kingdom and rule forever.


I attended a conference once entitled "Training for Reigning". One day we will rule the earth under the leadership of our Savior. The way we live our lives now will directly affect how we live in eternity. Jesus said that the one who is faithful in a little will be made ruler over much. Training for Reigning really is this: be faithful to do all the Lord has called you to do. Follow Him completely and walk in the Spirit and you will one day rule with Him. What we do now affect how we will spend eternity, let's live lives that will be blessed by our Father.


Lord, I can't wait for Your kingdom to come in it's fulness. I want to see this earth when you reign and rule in righteousness. I am excited about the day you establish your eternal kingdom. You are amazing and this earth will be a different place when You are in charge. Help me to be faithful in every little thing You ask me to do. I want to finish the work You have called me to and not my own work.

Training for Reigning,

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Hard Work and Great Attitude


Daniel 6:3 "Daniel soon proved himself more capable than all the other administrators and high officers. Because of Daniel's great ability, the king made plans to place him over the entire empire".


This is the third kingdom Daniel had served under. He was raised up in each of them as he worked hard and remained faithful to the Lord. Not only was he raised up personally and given high ranking positions because of his diligence and faithfulness, he also brought incredible honor the Lord because the Kings he served all saw the hand of God in his life. He made God look good and caused kings to turn to the Lord.


Daniel was a hard worker and must have had an amazing attitude. He was serving in a kingdom that was not his own and that didn't honor his God. He was personally given a death sentence twice and God brought him through both of them. Both times the king of the nation saw the hand of God and made proclamations about how awesome Daniel's God was. If we are hard workers, diligent and people who seek the Lord, He will raise us up and allow us to sit in influential places. We must have the attitude and heart of Daniel. We must honor God above all and no matter what. When we work hard and have a great attitude, God will use us for His glory.


Father, You are amazing! You are the best and I love you. Help me to be more like Daniel. I want my life to bring you praise and honor. Help me live a life of being a hard worker and having a great attitude. I want to bring glory to Your name above all.

Your Son,

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Faithfulness and Promotion


Daniel 3:30 "Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to even higher positions in the province of Babylon".


Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego had good positions and the favor of God was upon them during the exile to babylon. They were doing well in life and in leadership positions in a country that was not their own. The king built a statue and demanded that everyone bow down and worship it. Some came to him saying that his servants Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego would not bow. They were placed in a fiery furnace that should have killed them instantly, but God showed up and rescued them. The king saw it, worshiped their God and promoted them even farther.


These three had told the king; if you put us in the furnace, our God is able to deliver us, but even if He doesn't, we won't bow down before any other gods but Him. They made a bold declaration in defense of their God and God honored it. They were faithful when faithful wasn't easy and could have cost them their lives. God honors faithfulness and promotes because of it. Be faithful to God and He will promote in due season!


Father, thank you for your word. It is life and truth to me! Help me to walk faithfully through every opposition. Help me to follow You completely and totally in every area of life. I love and appreciate you.

Your Son,


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Build Each Other Up


Jude 20 "But you, dear friends, must build each other up in you most holy faith, pray in the power of the Holy Spirit".


Jude is a letter written to expose false teachers who had come into the church. These people were living immoral lives and teaching that it was okay because of the grace of God. Jude tells them the answer to this problem. He tells them to build each other up in the most holy faith, praying in the power of the Spirit.


We must be about the business of edifying others instead of tearing them down. God's people need strengthened in their faith, not weakened. As believers, we need to be about building people up in the faith and about praying in the power of the Holy Spirit. When we pray in the Spirit, we are praying the perfect will of God for the situation. When we don't know what to pray, the Spirit will pray through us. We need to be people who are always building up others and praying in the power of the Spirit.


Father, help me to be a builder and not a wrecking crew. Let my faith affect other people'e faith in a positive way. Help me build Your body strong. Let me pray more in the power of the Spirit and less in my own opinions and desires.



Friday, April 1, 2011

Those Who Belong to the Devil


I John 3:8 "But when people keep on sinning, it shows that they belong to the devil, who has been sinning since the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil".


Many people quote the second half of this verse often, but when we see it in it's context we realize what it is really talking about. We often hear, "the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil". We use it about any work of the devil, which is okay to do, but the primary thing this verse deals with is the people who keep on sinning. It says those who keep on sinning belong to the devil. many people want the works of the devil destroyed in their lives, but also want to keep on sinning.


If we are going to quote the verse for other things, we must also apply this to our own hearts. When we continue to sin after salvation, we are making Christ's sacrifice appear to be powerless. He destroyed the works of the devil, therefore God's children should be able to resist temptation and live a victorious life over sin. We must raise the bar and live a life that demonstrated that Jesus is above all the power of the devil. When we sin, we give the enemy a foothold in our lives. He is powerless to make us sin unless we give him opportunity.


Lord, those who belong to the devil are the ones who keep on sinning after salvation. I know "if we sin" we have an advocate, but help me not to use it very much. Help me to live a life that is worthy of your death. Help me to demonstrate in a practical way that you truly have destroyed this work of the devil called sin. Help me to teach others plainly, that they may walk above sin as well.

Forever Yours,
