Monday, March 30, 2009

Daily Wash 3/30


John 12:10-11 "Then the leading priests decided to kill Lazarus, too, for it was because of him that many of the people had deserted them and believed in Jesus".


I love this scripture. You see the chief priests wanting to kill a guy who had just been dead four days. If they kill him, do they not think Jesus will resurrect him again? The second part of the verse is what stands out to me. It says that they wanted to kill him because many of the people believed on Jesus and had deserted them. This man did something with what Jesus did for him. He was a walking testimony of the power fo Jesus Christ. He evidently wasn't afraid to share what Jesus had done for him. He went out and shook up the city.


I may not have been physically raised from the dead after four days, but I was dead in my sins and trespasses and JEsus lifted me out and gave me new life. We have been given such a great testimony! Jesus reached into our lives and brought new life, hope and a future to us. We should be like Lazarus and do something with what Jesus did for us. May it be said of my life that people wanted to kill me because so many muslims, hindus, krishnas, jews, atheists, etc were coming to Christ. May I make an impact on this world with my life. Jesus has brought me back from the dead and I want to share that with others.


Lord, forgive me for not sharing my testimony enough. FOrgive me for not spreading the good news enough. You are incredible and have done amazing works in my life. FOrgive me for not sharing more with others what You have done for me. Help me to become a soul winner and a disciple maker. I want my life to count for eternity!

I love you,

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