Thursday, May 6, 2010

Ready all the Time


Matthew 24:44 "You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected".


Jesus was talking to His disciples about the end of the age and what would happen at the end. They were asking for specifics about when He would come again. They wanted to know what would happen and when He would take His place of authority and power. He gives them what they need instead of what they want. He tells them they must be ready all the time because He will come when they least expect it.


Do we really live our lives believing that He will come when we least expect it? Do we really live "ready all the time"? Jesus wants His disciples to live as if He were coming back today. We don't know the day or the hour when He will return, but we do know the season and right now, I believe we are seeing every day in the news, the beginning of sorrows. The front page of the news is like reading the back of the Bible! When I was young, I always heard teaching on the rapture of the church. We really thought Jesus would come at any moment! Now, it is amazingly clear that He is coming soon. Non-believers are asking if the end of the world is near. Everyone knows something is up on the earth right now. Now should be the greatest hour of the church as we have an answer for what everyone is thinking. Let's get about our Father's business and prepare others for the coming of Christ!


Lord, let me live ready to meet You at any moment. Help me to live a life that will bring Your praise. Help me to make the most of every moment and leverage my time for Your kingdom. Give me opportunity to share Christ with someone today and help me to be sensitive to Your voice. I want to impact eternity for someone. Give me the strength and ability to do everything You have asked me to do. I love Your Lord!


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