Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Take Up Your Cross


Mark 8:34-35 "If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it".


Jesus had begun talking about the fact that he would be punished and eventually die and be resurrected to his disciples. Peter pulls Jesus aside and reprimands him for saying these things. Jesus tells Peter he is seeing things only from a human perspective. Jesus turns to the crowd and begins to teach that they must lay down their lives, their selfish ways, and their personal pursuits to follow him. He tells them that if they try to hold onto their own life that they will lose it. He is saying we must be willing to follow Him at any cost.


Jesus is not Santa Clause who was formed just to bring us blessing! He was gave his life for us and expects us to lay down our lives for him. Today we have a very selfish gospel. we are told if we follow Jesus he will give us whatever we want and he will make our dreams come true. Jesus taught the exact opposite! He taught that we must be willing to lay down our selfish desires and our own plans to take up his plans for our lives. When we come to Christ, our life is no longer our own. We give up the right to follow our own path. Most of Christianity doesn't teach this any more. We must learn the lost art of self denial and complete obedience to Christ.


Father, help me to grow in You. Help me not to lead my own life and ask you to bless it. Help me to find your will and follow it completely. Teach me to trust you more so I can do whatever you ask without a question. I want to be a better follower. I lay my life down at your feet. Teach me to take up my cross daily and not complain.

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