Monday, May 29, 2017

God Gives Wisdom


I Kings 4:29  "And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding beyond measure, and breadth of mind like the sand of the seashore".


It tells us here that the incredible wisdom and understanding that Solomon had came directly from the Lord.  It even says that the breadth of his mind was like the sand of the seashore.  God gave Solomon incredible wisdom and a mind that was nearly unlimited.  The beauty of it is that it was totally from God.


God will give us what we need to do His will in our lives.  He has all resources and nothing is beyond Him.  He gives His children all they need to do what He wants them to do.  We must go to God, who can not only provide for our needs, but develop our minds to do incredible things.  Inventions, ideas, creativity, and imagination all belong to the Lord.  If we will use it for Him, He will bless it and make our mind like the sand of the seashore.


Father, increase my wisdom and understanding.  Help me to use the faculties You have given me effectively and increase them for Your glory.  I want to bring You honor with my life, my mind, and everything I have.

Your Son,

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