Friday, May 14, 2010



Mark 16:20 "And the disciples went everywhere and preached, and the Lord worked through them, confirming what they said by many miraculous signs".


Jesus had just ascended to heaven after His death and resurrection. His disciples had a hard time believing that He had risen from the dead until they were able to walk with Him and talk with Him, but after His ascension, he worked through them. They went EVERYWHERE! They didn't wait for a specific leading or calling to preach the Gospel. The went EVERYWHERE! As they went, God confirmed what they were saying with signs and wonders. The Lord who had worked in front of them was now working through them.


We don't have to wait for a sign or a confirmation of where to preach the Gospel. The disciples, our examples, just went everywhere. They didn't wait for some special revelation, they just began winning souls and making disciples. Sometimes we feel like we need some special calling or anointing to preach the Gospel. God just wants our availability. He will still work through us as we preach. If we don't go and preach, He can't work through us to confirm what we are saying. He wants to work in signs and wonders, but we have to do our part EVERYWHERE!


Lord, help me to preach the Gospel EVERYWHERE I go. Help me to keep it simple like the early disciples. They simply went everywhere and preached and you worked through them. Work through me as I go. I want to build Your kingdom! I want to wins souls and make disciples. As I get the boldness to preach, work with me to confirm what I say.

Love you,

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