Friday, January 3, 2025

Tell the Story


“After the flood Noah lived 350 years. Noah lived a total of 950 years, and then he died.” ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭9‬:‭28‬-‭29‬ ‭NIV‬‬


Noah lived 600 years and the flood came, then he lived another 350 years after the flood. He lived 950 years! 100 of his 950 years were working on an ark that seemed ridiculous to those around him. After the flood there had to be a great respect level from the following generations. When a person lives that long, they must get to see their children and grandchildren for many, many generations. He lived to tell the story to his family line for generations.


We must learn to tell the stories of our lives to our children and our children’s children. We must tell them what the Lord has done in our lives. We must tell them the stories that our lives are built around. It seems now that we get distracted with social media and entertainment. We should be focused on impacting our own families for many generations.


Father, help me to tell the stories of my life to my children and grandchildren. Help me to be faithful to tell the stories of my parents and what You did in and through their lives. Let me be a storyteller, telling what God has done in the Jacob family. Let my generations know You and know how You work in the lives of people. 

Forever Yours,


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