Monday, May 23, 2011

God's Blessing


Exodus 1:12 "But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew. And they were in dread of the children of Israel".


The children of Israel were in bondage and had become slaves to Egypt, but God's blessing was on their lives. They multiplied and multiplied until they were more and mightier than Egypt according to verse 9. God's blessing was on their lives and even though the Egyptians tried to make life more and more difficult for them, they continued to increase. I love the words, "But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew". When God blesses something, it will prosper no matter what you do to it.


When will we realize that God can prosper and bless us in a bad economy, in a bad work place, in a bad family situation, etc. We must trust Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. When God decides to bless you, the gates of hell cannot stop His blessing! When God's blessing is on your life, "the more" the enemy tries to do to you, the more you will prosper and grow. We must be people who seek out the blessing of the Lord and live lives that He would choose to bless. He is not bound by the present economy, nor the location we live in. He is God and can bless His children wherever and whenever He wants.


Father, help me today to see Your hand at work in my life. I want to walk in the blessing of the Lord and see Your miraculous provision in my life on a daily basis. I love You and know that You are with me. Help me to see You at work when it doesn't appear to be true. Teach me to trust You more.



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