Friday, September 25, 2020

Giving God the Glory


“Lord, you will grant us peace; all we have accomplished is really from you.”  ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭26:12‬ ‭NLT‬‬


Isaiah first tells us here that God will grant us peace.  Shalom is from God.  Only He can give real, true, peace.  The things of this world will never bring real peace into our hearts.  Peace is a fruit of the Spirit.  When we are connected to God, peace will be part of our lives.  Isaiah then moves on to saying that all they had accomplished was really from God.  He gave God all the glory for every good thing in his life. 


Every good and perfect gift comes from the Lord of hosts.  We are to remain humble before the LORD all the days of our lives because everything we have accomplished is not of our own doing, but the Lord’s blessing in our lives.  Though we may have worked hard for some things, it is God who has kept us alive and given us the ability to do the things we do.  Therefore, we cannot take the glory for anything we have accomplished.  It is all from Him, for Him, and to Him.


Father, I love You.  Thank You for speaking to me this morning.  Help me to keep my focus on giving You the glory for any good in my life.  You are the one who wakes me up in the morning and keeps me alive throughout the day.  You are the source of every good thing in my life.  My life belongs to You.  Help me to never put trust in myself or the things I can do, but to trust You and rely on You.  I want You to receive all the glory for any good thing in my life.

Your Son,


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