Thursday, September 21, 2017

The Joy of Salvation


Isaiah 12:3  "Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation".


This scripture is a prophecy about Christ coming to the earth and bringing salvation.  His salvation is meant to bring us joy.  Jesus said that out of our bellies would flow rivers of living water.  Joy is a strong part of the Gospel and one of the fruit of the Spirit.


God's people should be a joy-filled people.  We should be the people who are living in the joy of the Lord.  The joy of the Lord is our strength.  Satan knows that when we are joyful, we are strong, therefore he will do whatever he can to steal our joy.  We must learn to walk in the joy of the Lord at all times.  When we don't know how, we simply need to think about our salvation, out of that, just contemplating that should bring up our joy level.


Father, help me to walk in great joy.  It want to be filled with all of the fruit of the Spirit, but I really want my joy back.  Joy should be a hallmark of my life and I want it to be again.  Help me to walk with You at a deeper level where I know everything is going to be well so I can exude joy everywhere I go.


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