Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Faith in God


Matthew 17:20 "'You don't have enough faith,' Jesus told them, 'I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible".


Jesus had just come off the mountain of transfiguration and there was a large crowd of people. One of them told Jesus that he had a demon possessed son and wanted Jesus to cast it out. He told Jesus that His disciples couldn't cast it out. Jesus replied to their inability to cast out this demon by saying, "You don't have enough faith". He went on to say the famous words about faith like a grain of mustard seed and that if they had that much faith, nothing would be impossible. Faith is the key ingredient in everything we do as believers and when we have it, nothing will be impossible.


Many times Jesus made statements like this in His time here on earth. The question is not about what He said, but about how we apply what He said. He made some really bold statements about answered prayer and faith. For many reasons, most believers don't pray in faith. They pray in hope! We need to move from praying in hope to praying in faith. Most of us pray and hope something will happen, but Jesus wants us to pray in faith, knowing something is going to happen. We need a faith infusion!


Lord, You made some pretty bold promises to us concerning praying by faith. Teach me to walk in faith and not by sight. I know we are missing the mark somewhere on this because I know the problem is not You or what you said. I want to grow in faith.

Yours Forever,


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