Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Take the Lowest Place


Luke 14:10 "Instead, take the lowest place at the foot of the table. Then when your host sees you, he will come and say, 'Friend, we have a better place for you!' Then you will be honored in front of all the other guests".


Jesus is teaching about humility and uses a wedding feast to talk about it. He says not to take the seats of honor, but the cheap seats. He says that if you take the honorable seats, the host may have to come and put you somewhere else when someone more important arrives. He says it is better to take the lowest place and if the host wants you to have a better place, then he can give it to you and honor you in front of everyone.


As believers, God wants us to walk in humility. He desires us to humble ourselves in every situation of life. You are much better off humbling yourself and being exalted, than promoting yourself and realizing people don't see you the same way you see yourself. If we can humble ourselves, God will exalt us. In every area of life, take the lowest place and let God build you up. Humble yourself and let God do the work.


Lord, teach me to follow your example by humbling myself and taking on the form of a servant. I want to live a life that the world can look at and say "that person acts just like Jesus". Show me how to love more like you, to be more humble like you. Show me how to accept people more like you. I want to truly be a follower of Jesus Christ. I want every teaching you spoke about to be evident in my life.

Your Son,

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