Tuesday, May 18, 2010

No Dark Corners


Luke 11:36 "If you are filled with light, with no dark corners, then your whole life will be radiant, as though a floodlight were filling you with light".


Jesus is teaching about letting your light shine before men. He precedes this by saying, "No on lights a lamp and then hides it or puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it can be seen by all who enter the house". Jesus wants us to be filled with light completely. He wants no dark corners. he wants us to shine before men so they may glorify our father in heaven. There is no doubt about it, He wants His people to shine.


This verse really spoke to me this morning. The words "no dark corners" especially leaped off the page to me. I want God's light to shine through my life the strongest it can. In order for that to happen, there can be no dark corners. I equate dark corners to those little areas of disobedience in our lives. God wants us to walk in the full light of the gospel and for us to shine to those around us. Therefore, we can't afford to have any dark corners in our lives. God must be in control of every part of our lives and there can be no areas of disobedience. Then we will radiate his glory and presence stronger and stronger.


Lord, I want to walk in complete obedience to You. I want no dark corners! I ask you to forgive me for the times I have not fully obeyed something I believe You put in my heart. Forgive me for the little areas of disobedience. I want to radiate Your glory that the world may see the awesomeness of my God. You are amazing and I want to represent You well. Help me do it.

Your Son,


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